Wheels to Succeed is a program developed by McMains Children’s Developmental Center & Tiger Cycling Foundation, to provide adapted three-wheeled bicycles to children with physical disabilities. The bicycles are custom-made, and the high cost mean they become less accessible to those that really need them. The program hosts several events throughout the year to raise money for these modified bicycles and to provide the children with a place to ride.

The Kids Bike Event is hugely popular, drawing children and their families from across the state to participate. The No Such Thing as Impossible© Bike Ride is the biggest fundraising event of the year, where adults participate in 10-mile, 40-mile, or 75-mile races to raise money for this amazing cause in the spring. Through these fundraising events, the foundation has raised tens of thousands of dollars to help local children with disabilities discover the joys of riding a bike.

At Community Management, we were honored to sponsor this amazing event in 2022! With the help of other local businesses, cyclists, and community members we were able to raise over $71,000 for the Wheels to Succeed program. Every dollar raised goes to helping local children, and over 150 modified bicycles have been produced and awarded since the program was founded in 2007.

If you’d like more information about the Wheels to Succeed Program, the Kids Bike Event, or the No Such Thing As Impossible© Bike Race, you can contact The McMains Children’s Developmental Center in Baton Rouge via their website at www.mcmainscdc.org/page/wheels-to-succeed or by phone at (225) 923-3420. Volunteers, sponsors, and donations are always needed! Be a part of something amazing and sign up today!

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